Sunday, May 30, 2010

composition project #1

In this image the chair is not centered and this adds to the dynamics of the picture. Most pictures are taken with the object centered.
This prevents the object from looking like it is "in jail" as it would if the chair was in the middle of the picture. This leads you to the sides of the picture.

This picture has dominance because your eye is drawn towards the face on the tree trunk. It draws your eyes towards it and in the center.

This image is very similar and is symmetrical. The trees are all the same and the green grass at the bottom. It is uniform and the light shines through all the trees but mainly in the middle.

All the bubbles have the same color and variation of color through them. They are all different sizes and they show movement from one bubble to the next as you look at the picture.

I don't think this is very good because the background of the grass and bushes pulls your eyes away from the tree and fungi and is a distraction. I think if the picture was taken at a level above the tree trunk it would of been a better composition.

Monday, May 24, 2010

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